Zenopium Commune

A community that brings together smart people from tech, permaculture and the sustainability field to Cambodia. Explore the possibilities of living sustainably without plastic and producing least to zero waste. Promote such ways of living both online and offline.
Commune members can enjoy free stays on the beautiful tropical mountain, minutes away from the beaches. Learn and practice Kendo and Zen meditation. Meet cool people, independent thinkers from all over the world, including, most importantly, the locals.

Life in The Jungle

Check out what we are building, making, eating and using in the tropical jungle, how we do our best to live sustainably, follow Zenopium Youtube channel:

Hemp Seeds (No Shell)



Hemp seeds are the seeds of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. They are exceptionally nutritious and rich in healthy fats, protein and various minerals.

Hemp contain all 9 essential amino acids, making it one of the best plant-based protein sources. It doesn’t contain phytates, which are found in many vegetarian protein sources and interfere with the essential minerals absorption.

How To Use Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds have a mild nutty flavor and crunchy texture. They are good to not only your health but also your skin.

  • Snack the raw seeds.
  • Toss them into your salads or baking recipes
  • Hemp Milk: Blend one part hemp seeds with four parts water.
  • Skin care: Help relieve dry skin. Grind the seeds into paste and mix it with other natural skin care substances.

Storage Condition

  • Refrigerated in an airtight container.


  • Major cities in Cambodia.
  • Delivery time: 10-14 days.


  • Unbleached cotton bag.